Sure Shim Product’s pigtail plug/receptacle safety shims are made of a proprietary blend of polypropylene with additives which protect from UV rays, corrosives, and extreme cold – 25 degrees below zero.
Our shims are a sleeve shim. It slides over the plug. When the plug is plugged into the receptacle it’s seated firmly without any movement. The prongs won’t wear, and a solid connection can be expected. Lights won’t flicker during travel. Lights stay on, and abs lights indicate properly (abs lights often come on with a poor plug connection). Drivers will be seen and protected.
The benefits of using our pigtail plug/receptacle safety shims are:
1. SAVINGS- Our shims prevent prongs from wearing; which make the plugs/receptacles last much longer. Lower replacement, less down time, higher production.
Fewer tickets and incidents keep Safety Ratings lower. This equates to
lower insurance premiums, more contracts, and more total revenues.
3. LOWER LIABILITY- Lights stay on, fewer incidents. Being seen and safe equate to lower liability.
4.PROTECTION – Our shims protect the drivers, equipment, and freight in tow.